Terms of Use for the Website of Studio Thom Pfister AG
Welcome to the website of Studio Thom Pfister AG. Please read our terms of use carefully before accessing and using our website. By using the website, you agree to these terms of use. The privacy policy is an integral part of these terms of use. You can find it on this website.
Information Offers
On the website of Studio Thom Pfister AG, we inform you about the company and our services. Studio Thom Pfister AG reserves the right to change, supplement, or delete these terms of use, content, links, or references on this website at any time and without prior notice. The current version of the respective terms of use can always be found at this location on the website. The services shown on this website may not be available in your country. The information does not imply that the corresponding services and conditions will be available in your country in the future. For detailed information about the services and information, please contact our headquarters.
Warranty and Liability Limitation
We strive to keep the information and data published on our website accurate and up-to-date. Despite all care, we do not guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, completeness, and precision of the information and data. We do not guarantee the constant availability and access to our website, nor that the functions and data transmission will be uninterrupted and without disruption. Studio Thom Pfister AG is not liable for damages or disadvantages that arise from the use or inability to use our website or because you have used or relied on the information and data on this website. This disclaimer applies in particular to damages caused by viruses or other harmful programs or in any other way to your device, your programs, or your data.
On our website, you will find direct and indirect references to external websites ("links") or you can open these websites via links on other websites. We only set links to websites where we have not identified any illegal content at the time of setting the link. However, Studio Thom Pfister AG has no influence on the current and future design and content of linked third-party websites or on websites that link to our site.
Studio Thom Pfister AG does not express any opinion on the content of third-party websites by linking to them. We do not assume any responsibility for the content or availability of external websites and are not liable for their compliance with applicable laws or for damages or disadvantages that arise from the use of such content or solely from accessing these pages. Linking to other websites is solely for the convenience of using our website.
Copyright and Other Protective Rights
All content on this website, such as texts, images, photographs, illustrations, graphics, logos, symbols, names, product and company designations, are protected by copyright. You are permitted to view the website and the information and data displayed on it on the screen. In addition, you may print, copy, download, and store the content, provided the following conditions are met:
– The use is exclusively for your private, non-commercial use or in connection with a business interaction with Studio Thom Pfister AG.
– You refrain from any alteration of the content, copyright notices, or legally protected trademark rights.
– You do not publish the content you use on other websites or media.
For any use beyond this, especially for any commercial use, you need the prior written permission of Studio Thom Pfister AG.
Contact / Your Opinion / Emails
We are pleased to hear your opinion about our services and our website and are happy to send you further information material. You can contact us by email or phone. How we handle your data can be found in our privacy policy. Emails are not encrypted. We cannot prevent the content transmitted in this way from being viewed and altered by third parties. The transmission is therefore at your own risk.
Binding Nature
Unless Studio Thom Pfister AG expressly states otherwise on the relevant website, orders via the internet are only binding once you have received written confirmation from Studio Thom Pfister AG. Messages you send to Studio Thom Pfister AG via the website or email have no legal effect. We strive to process your messages within a useful period, but we do not guarantee that we will execute them within the time you require. In particular, you may not interpret a delayed response or silence to such messages as legally relevant consent or rejection by Studio Thom Pfister AG.
Status: January 2021